War and Peace

~: Happy 74th Republic Day of India :~

“Yada yada hi dharmashya glaneer bhawati Bharat, abhiutthanam adharmasya tadattmani srijammyeham. Paritranay sadhunam vinashaye ch duskritam dharm sansthapnaye sambhawami yuge yuge”

I pray to Almighty for His incarnation and to come to this land once again when my motherland “Bharat” is surrounded by so many evil forces both from outside and in within the  country to divide this land into parts and pieces. As in Duapar yug, Lord Krishna united all the people together and saved the nation from getting divided into pieces, we need His help once again. We need Him once again to save the Sanatan Dharma and the mankind.

“Everyone fears Lion whereas even a dog barks at the cat”. When lion roars, it is heard from miles whereas when a cat mews, no one pays any attention to it. A country progress only when there is  a strong leader on the chair who has the strength and courage to define his/her action keeping eye contact straight to the world and not in a begging position, seeking help or crying for help from the world.India

We had seen in the year 1965, 1971 and during Kargil war, where our leaders proved their action with full strength and determination. The result was, whole world agreed with us and supported our views sooner or later. Also we had experienced in past, how UPA1 and UPA2 government policies and strategies for the country had pushed India in a far backward position in the entire World scenario. We had seen how China and Pakistan had marched forward step by step showing their red eyes and executing their selfish and inhuman actions against India almost every day and our government was busy crying for help from the world and did not have the courage to fight back with China and Pakistan in the language only known to them. The main agenda of China is to enclose India from all the sided from land as well as from the sea and for this to accomplish, they had taken a dangerous plan of action. All of us might not be aware of this that, China and Pakistan together had been forcing to provoke all our  neighbouring countries – Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Maldives to take China-Pak side against India. Except Bhutan, all other countries had agreed and given land to China where China is developing Army, Air Force and Naval bases that can be used against India whenever required by them. After knowing that, what was our UPA government’s action? Nothing, our UPA govt. kept their eyes closed like a blind person and gone to sleep in comfort. Our UPA govt did not take the trouble and pain to even talk to our neighbouring countries with whom we had a very good relationship starting from their evolution.

To fight a war, army needs arms and ammunition, reserves of fuel, food and other commodities. China maintains her reserves for the army for 60 to 80 days everyday as a preparation for war and ensure safety. During UPA1 and UPA2, the government forced the army to keep their reserves only for 7 to 10 days that means if India has to gone through any war during that period, our very own UPA government planned to make the army surrender within a week because of lack of reserves. During these 10 years, UPA government had destroyed the moral of our army, air force and navy to the extreme. Government was busy in 2G, 3G and other scams. No up gradation of fighter planes for Air Force has taken place, as a result death of several efficient Air Force officers and personals had taken place during their practices with old and damaged aircrafts. Even in Navy there were series of tragedies and deaths and with army, every day there was breaking of cease-fire by Pakistan army on the border, killing several border security personals, intrusions by China on Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh and many more. What was the action of UPA govt? Nothing, just an order of investigation given half heartedly and then gone to sleep.

Whenever we got a strong government having the strength and courage to take bold decisions and to execute strong actions, our country progressed and it was proved during the period of Late Smt. Indira Gandhi and Sri Atal Behari Bajpai. May it be the decision to go for nuclear test or the decision to counter attack Pakistan our previous government took the bold and appropriate decision and that was proved time appropriate and correct. Now on the contrary, we have seen during UPA 1 and UPA 2, the government was busier in keeping the alliance and the regional parties happy and the whole effort is to make an efforth maintain appropriate majority in the Parliament only. It was observed that whenever the central government was weak, handicapped and swayed by the will of regional parties, external forces took the advantages and created disturbances in India. Regional parties do not bother for the nation’s pride, security and progress. Their botheration are limited within the state, how to have in power without opposition and how to control the central government for their regional matters.

During Indo-Pak wars in the years 1947, 1965, 1971 and Kargil every time we were in the defending side to protect the country and to resist the evil Pakistan’s army. No need to say that every time we defeated Pakistan. In 1965 and 1971, area occupied by Indian soldiers were returned to Pakistan as sign of brotherhood. Even during 1971 war, when Pakistan’s army surrender to Indian army in the Eastern front (now Bangladesh), we had given mercy and save pass to 3 lacs soldiers of Pakistan to return to the homeland but in return what they had given us? Every time they started shouting and campaigning against India in the World’s forum. They never got any lesson from their defeats rather started a new game plan after each war. Our every previous government (except Late Smt. Indira Gandhi’s government) failed to tackle Pakistan in a bold and courageous form. This was the first time when Indian soldiers attack in POK on 28 September 2016 (though on a very small scale) only to combat terrorism and destroyed few terrorist camps there, the entire Pakistan including the government and the army gone into coma. They never thought in their dreams that India can be on the attacking position against Pakistan or Pakistan supported terrorism. They had experienced every time the government of India and the Indian army played a defensive role that too with extreme pressure from inside the country (from so called secular parties) and from outside world (may it be USA or China those who support Pakistan on every ground against India). This was the first time when India took the leading role and everyone had supported India’s stand unconditionally, even USA and China (though some so called secular parties of India after supporting in the beginning, started shouting against the attack, which may be because of their own hidden reasons). Now the point is why and how the leading countries (the super powers) did not say any word against India’s move and how they digest the entire movement with a single comment as an approval against terrorism? The main reason was that this time there is a strong, stable and well determined person on the chair as Prime Minister of India who not only driven the entire country (except few so called secular intellectual people who are always against India) in his favour but also the entire world community including the super powers. This time we saw Pakistan was totally isolated from the entire world.

Now I want to through some light on Gujarat riot that took place in ….. during the Chief Minister-ship of Mr. Narendra Modi. First of all I would like to mention that I myself do not support any kind of killing or brutalism any it be riot, war or religious sacrifice. Any kind of such killing or inhuman act must be strongly condemned. I also want to ask few questions on this ground. First of all, under what circumstances did the riot out broken? Did that not occurred as post Godhra incidence and by the provocation to spoil the name of the government and the rulling party? Now those who are shouting at their full volume to punish Mr. Narendra Modi as CM of Gujarat not only to fail in avoiding the riot but also as a main culprit for the same, I have few questions to them from the past history of our country. In 1989 when thousands of innocent Hindu families were killed brutally, hundreds of girls and womens were kidnapped, raped and murdered by the Kashmiri Muslim youths, when 140000 Kashmiri Hindus were driven out of the valley, at that time in Jammu & Kashmir was under the Chief minister-ship of ……… and Congress party was in the Center. Did anyone question them or any punishment being executed to the culprits? Also after the assignation of Late Smt. Indira Gandhi when Congress party was the ruling party in the Center, thousands of people including women and children from Sikh community were killed brutally and that happened when many leaders and party worker of the ruling party were in the front line of the attack. Why no they had been questioned or punished? That time Late Sri Rajib Gandhi approved the whole incident by saying “When a big tree falls at that time Earth shakes, and the same happened here”. Also when Hindu-Muslim riot broken out in all over the Northern and Central part of India after the demolition of Babri Masjid, there was Congress as the ruling party in the Center as well as in many states. Here I also want to state that I do not support any form of vandalism against any community and should be condemned strongly. Now I want to say that firstly Babri Masjid was an abonden building with no importance to the community there before the incident and no one was offering the Holy namaj there or even visit the masjid and it is a fact that previous Muslim rulars did vandalism on Hindu temples, built masjids over them, Varanasi Shiva temple and Mathura Krishna temple are also among them. But after the demolition of Babri masjid not a single masjid had been demolished anywhere in the country whereas after that incident and before also majority of Hindu temples were demolished and converted into ash in Pakistan and Bangladesh. No one condemned those act from our country. We also knows from the time of Independence and after partition to till today how drastically the Hindu population has been decreased in number in both the neighbouring country of India and what form of measurable life Hindus has to lead in these country every day. What we have seen from past, that whenever it was on Hindus or rather on Non-Muslims there was an absolute silence from the government and from media where as if there was a slight ignition to the Muslim member in the society, both were in their full form against BPJ and against those who fight for Hindus, incident of Dadri in UP was a big example to this. What a hypocrisy and pseudo secularism act by the so-called secular parties and media.

– Jai Hind.

Bharat Mata ki Jai @Spondon Ganguli

I’m the sole owner of this write-up and it an original piece of work. Spondon Ganguli teaches Computer Science in a reputed English medium school. Apart from his profession, he writes poetry and short stories. He is the author of two poetry books titled ‘Forgotten Love Unforgotten Love’; Moner Obhibekti Ek Guccho Kobitaye’ and three fictions, two in English – ‘Let Me Hold Your Hand’ , ‘Do Not Leave Me’ and another in Bengali – ‘Phira Asha.’