Discovering Wealth Beyond Materialism

Welcome to my platform, where we explore the depths of dreams and introspection to uncover the lessons that shape our paths in life. Today I extend an invitation for you to join me on an adventure, to the Well of Dreams,…

Bijoya Dashami – A documentary

ত্বং বৈষ্ণবী শক্তিরনন্তবীর্যা বিশ্বস্য বীজং পরমাসি মায়া। সম্মোহিতং দেবি সমস্তমেতৎ ত্বং বৈ প্রসন্না ভুবি মুক্তিহেতুঃ।। On the fifth day of Durga Puja, a sense of sorrow permeates as Dashami arrives. Dashami holds a profound significance in the lives of individuals, society,…

Print( ) vs Println( ) statement in Java

There is a whole lot of confusion among many students regarding one of the print statements in Java. The statement is System.out.println( ). Let us see what the confusion is. According to a few students, print( ) statement prints the content…

Writing An Algorithm

A programming task can be divided into two phases: Problem-solving phase - produce an ordered sequence of steps that describe the solution of a problem this sequence of steps is called an algorithm. Implementation phase - implement the program in some…