War and Peace – 2

History repeats itself if we won’t learn from our mistakes. Once there was a saying “Don’t ask for bread, but ask for a gun because that is cheaper”. Similarly, there is a saying in one of our neighbouring countries for her…

War and Peace

~: Happy 74th Republic Day of India :~ “Yada yada hi dharmashya glaneer bhawati Bharat, abhiutthanam adharmasya tadattmani srijammyeham. Paritranay sadhunam vinashaye ch duskritam dharm sansthapnaye sambhawami yuge yuge” I pray to Almighty for His incarnation and to come to this…

Picnic at Panighata Bridge

Memoir from Bengdubi I don’t remember the date but its somewhere in beginning of February in the year 2000 we went for a picnic at the Panighata bridge, in the terai region near Mirik, Darjeeling. It is nearly 22 kilometers from…

Where I am from

I am from the ruins of the Zamindar palace having long balconies with massive arches and big windows whose red small bricks and broken decorations now show how the time changed. I am from the street of mid-noon, where the sweet…

Memories of Winter

Whenever winter comes, it takes me to the memories of childhood wrapped in the warm blanket of love and care of my mother. My childhood was spent in the hilly areas of Madhya Pradesh, located in the central part of India…

The Red Gem (Haibun)

The calendar proudly announces Valentine’s day. The love-shops are all decorated with a wide spectrum of cards, flowers, chocolates, and other adorable gifts ready to be given to the beloved ones. At the end of an odd street, an old man…

An untimely echo of the conch

The lockdown is running across the country successfully. No work, no outdoor movements. Life got boring in just two weeks. We are passing the time by eating, watching TV, reading books and sleeping.  My wife and I, Subimal Sen, stay in…

A beautiful morning – Haibun

The endless green field with the mustard plants yet to spread the fabulous yellow color all around was glued to my eyes when I dropped there for the first time. In the chilling breeze of the February morning, with my comforter…