The Inclusive Legacy of Lord Jagannath Dev

Today, my five-year-old daughter beamed with excitement as she pulled the chariot of Lord Jagannath for the first time in our locality. Last night, we prepared for the special day by setting up a small chariot and idol of Jagannath, Balabhadra,…

Bijoya Dashami – A documentary

ত্বং বৈষ্ণবী শক্তিরনন্তবীর্যা বিশ্বস্য বীজং পরমাসি মায়া। সম্মোহিতং দেবি সমস্তমেতৎ ত্বং বৈ প্রসন্না ভুবি মুক্তিহেতুঃ।। On the fifth day of Durga Puja, a sense of sorrow permeates as Dashami arrives. Dashami holds a profound significance in the lives of individuals, society,…

Where I am from

I am from the ruins of the Zamindar palace having long balconies with massive arches and big windows whose red small bricks and broken decorations now show how the time changed. I am from the street of mid-noon, where the sweet…